
Welcome to the Journeynator, as the Terminator terminates… the Journeynator … journies? journeynates? or makes simply makes journeys because I’m not really sure the others are actually words. This blog is mostly me, (Karen)but sometimes when I can persuade my friends to contribute you might get a nice treat.


Photographing the art installation in Luxembourg Mudam

My travel style is very middle of the road (I think at least), neither high luxury nor basic  backpacker, I like to get my £ worth, but sometimes have a wee splurge and my travels are almost exclusively with my husband, who sometimes gets dragged around places in my quest to photograph everything until he has blisters.

In recent years city breaks have been the main focus of travel, I love the opportunity to see several different places a year. However I have developed a slight obsession with Iceland (and in particular the music festival Iceland Airwaves) that is partially hindering my quest to visit new countries and cities, I am however working hard to combat that by creating a check-list of new cities to visit in Europe (suggestions very welcome!). Over the past few years we’ve visited Prague, Karlstejn, Budějovický Budvar, Bilbao, Lekeito, the US (wedding & honeymoon road trip featuring Las Vegas, Colorado, Utah and California), Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, Reykjavik, Vik, Amsterdam, Luxembourg and a few more places in the UK, a lot of the time for gigs as we love live music.

Sometimes I cross post to the sister blog The Culturenator (see what I did there) in case you  fancy reading non-travel related posts from me.

Unless where stated all photographs are taken by and © Karen Morecroft and are not to be reproduced without permission – please contact me if you’d like to re-use an image from my site.

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